jueves, 30 de diciembre de 2010

You're not THAT special.

That's it. I lied. I'm not missing you at all. Maybe it's just because it's been about two weeks since I last saw you. I didn't even say goodbye propely. I don't contact you. I don't care if i don't answer you.
You're not THAT special. It's not like i miss things thinking about you or catch myself rolling on the bed not able to get sleep thinking about you (Wich i have suffered before for someone else). You don't fill my head. You don't fill my soul. Yeah, I enjoy being around you, talking to you, giving you a massage, watch a movie with you or letting you sleep with your head on my legs. But you don't fill my heart.
It's me. Not like "it's me not you". It's me. I forced myself to not fall in love with you. I did it "for the greater good" but i'm not closed to it. Even if i fear it, heartbeats are stronger than the brain.
Still, i don't miss you. I lied. Maybe it's a in crescendo thing. I might not miss you now, but i will in like 6 weeks or so.
Or maybe it's just that i like to lie to myself. I don't know.
Maybe i won't ever get it right. I don't like to fool around. I might never be able to read between lines.

Si tienes algo que decirme, dímelo como se debe y sin rodeos. Nada de cosas que pueda malinterpretar o simplemente no entender.

Or maybe i'm just an asshole and you're just another friend.

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